No wonder reality theme to explore and unfortunately most people just don’t know how to explore it. It can be defined as the manifestation of everything that exists, that enables your senses to see, touch, smell, hear, or taste the things around you. With that being said, reality should be a universal occurrence that is projected under the same light for everyone, right?
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If everyone is living within the same reality, why is there such disparity among individuals? Successful people exist, while others never seem to make ends meet. Then again, how do we define success, and what does not having enough even mean?
These are the complex issues addressed in Law of Attraction programs and more specifically, today’s product review: 15 Minute Manifestation. Most programs begin by suggesting that everyone has a different reality based on their own subjective thoughts, which then affects how their reality is shaped. It adds on the idea that subjective thoughts are affected by your subconscious (or editor), which is difficult to alter, being a part of your instinctive nature formed by past experiences.
15 Minute Manifestation claims that it will teach you how to re-program that editor, so that you can ‘live in your natural state of abundance’. It also claims that this is the reason certain individuals find success in all that they do, while others live miserably feeling that they never have enough.
Firstly, How Much Is The Program ?
15 Minute Manifestation is a program that costs only $47. The truth is that recently “Law Of Attraction” products are doing excellent online. Most of the highly revenue generating products are based on the Law of Attraction. The best part of this program is that it ranks really well in Clickbank. It makes you feel complete so that your natural state of abundance can be risen. This is the reason there are certain people who find success in everything that they do while others have the feeling of not having enough in their lives.
What Can You Expect Once You Purchase The Program?
Upon purchase of the product, what you can expect to receive is a short 25-page eBook with concepts that highlight the main aspects on Law of Attraction, three 15-minutes long manifestation soundtracks, a quick jump start guide on how to utilize the soundtracks effectively, and lastly, a bonus deep-sleep soundtrack.
Do They Offer A Refund?
As with all other Clickbank products, they are required to provide a 60-day refund policy. If you decide to purchase the program but find it unhelpful, you could request for a refund either with the author’s holding company, or directly through Clickbank.
Click Here Now To Get 15 Minute Manifestation
The Review
After going through the comprehensive program of 15-Minute Manifestation, we were little surprised that a program offering such a profound solution to an equally complex theme would come with only 25 pages. The website for 15 Minute Manifestation claims that the program uses hemispheric (brainwave) synchronization, which is supposed to be the use of theta waves to communicate and control your subconscious mind.
Being skeptical about the program and whether it was safe, we have decided to research more
on the system and theta waves. A quick Google search on brainwave synchronization revealed mainly products of similar nature, and very limited actual scientific information regarding how the system operates.
If you go through the 15 Minutes Manifestation, you would discovered that theta waves had 2 separate meanings. The first referred to a specific type of regular oscillation occurring in the hippocampus and its connecting regions, which is associated mainly with memory and physical movement. The second definition is any EEG oscillation within the 4-7 Hz frequency range occurring in the brain, regardless of functionality. Theta waves are also known to occur right before physical activity, as well as during REM sleep.
What became a little unsettling was that the first definition of theta waves was actually a result from animal testing. It is not ethically allowed on human beings except in neurological patients since it involves having electrodes implanted in the hippocampus which is a highly invasive process. As a result, most data collected on humans regarding theta waves is regarded with a broad spectrum that it could be occurring anywhere within the brain.
It was further stated that the findings made for the first definition should NOT be linked to having a similar relationship with human results due to the lack of scientific proof. This meant that as far as humans were concerned, the effectiveness of creating a program that induces subconscious behavioral change through theta waves can’t exactly be proven.
Regardless, I decided to give the program a try to see for myself whether it actually worked or not.
The Good
First addressing the product itself, I thought it was rather refreshing that instead of a 200-page long eBook, all I had to do was listen to soundtrack for 15 minutes each day, totaling 21 days.
Each soundtrack was a 15-minute long blend of nature sounds, and had a calming zen-like effect, which definitely made me feel relaxed each morning I turned it on.
There wasn’t much to review from the eBook itself, since the magic was supposed to derive from the soundtracks. What did like about eBook was getting to understand the concept on Law of Attraction, which the author made simple and easy to digest. It was definitely an interesting mindset change to apply, where instead of resigning to fate and thinking of how you’ll never have enough, one flips the situation and takes a positive outlook on things.
The Bad
Unfortunately, the positive thoughts I had were somewhat limited by the very initial impression that these soundtracks could be found anywhere on the internet. The only difference is that these tracks were supposed to have some form of theta waves within them, which couldn’t be really proven, so you had to simply trust that the author was telling the truth.
I didn’t feel any difference after completing the 21 days, except having a new schedule where I spent 15 minutes each morning listening to nature. I know this could be dismissed by my lack of faith or not doing things right, but if the product was supposed to have some form of scientific-incorporating system, everyone should have been able to feel some effect from it.
This leads me instead to think that the program had more of a placebo effect, that was designed for someone who actually believed they were listening to a life-changing track. Call me a non-believer, but other programs I’ve read in the past had at least made things believable that what they were selling could help you, but with the honesty that it was not a ‘magical technique’.
Additionally, the eBook did make me feel that a lack of effort and thought went into writing it, as there really wasn’t much to go on. The concepts were great, but there should have been way more elaboration that what was provided. I know the author claimed to have cut out unnecessary fluff, but this felt more like he had nothing else to go on.
The Verdict
At the end of the day, I guess the concepts and theories were just a little too much for the author the handle. Essentially, the author was simply stating what many others have already stated before him, and this was just about positive mindset change in your life and taking action.
Anyone can claim on ink that a product is back by ‘important’-made up medical institutes or associations. If 15 Minute Manifestation genuinely had been backed by scientific organizations, there would have been a stamp of proof or certification visible. In this case, I don’t think there IS any scientific proof that the program works, and I certainly felt no different at the end of the day.
I also mentioned earlier that these soundtracks sounded like something you could find off the internet, and so could all the concepts covered by the author in his eBook guide. Assuming that stance, $47 is an extremely expensive price tag and isn’t worth paying for when it could have easily been free.
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