How to make a man want you

Relationships are hard, really hard! Often women are blamed for keeping things complicated, but men are no innocent either.

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Ask a girl, and she will tell you how difficult it is to keep a potential partner interested in a relationship. If you have got a keeper and you are wondering how to make him want you, then you need to learn how to make him obsessed with you.

I know you want to grab his attention, but you might want to get that attention for all the right reasons. Just a quick search on Google and you will be flooded with pro tips to make the man of your dreams want you. There will be classy ones and the not-so-classy advice but what you actually need for the situation is the expert relationship tips so that you don’t end up on the wrong side of the fence.

Before you begin, know the fact 

In a world where Smartphones are more personal to people than their loved ones and distractions make us nurture the attention span of a hummingbird, you can’t expect it to be easy to get a guy’s attention.

This is why when you get undivided attention from the guy, do not take it personally and amp up your game. Fortunate for us, men are not diverse when it comes to finding women interesting (fortunately). If we put all the traits and qualities that most men find attractive in women, the list will be pretty much unified across the board.

You are going to get surprised to know that most of the qualities that keep men attracted to a woman have nothing to do with appearance (as far as you keep yourself hygienically clean). It is to say that prolonged and interesting relationships are based on qualities that add substance.

Don’t spend too much energy trying to make sense of the words mentioned above, when you focus on practical ways to make a man want you that I am about to share here.

Proven tactics to make a man get obsessed with you 

1. Stop being a catfish

Don’t frown, we all do it at times. Maybe we don’t just take up the entire persona of some other person to become cyber creeps, but we do sometimes try to act like someone we are not.


Because we want the man of our dreams to like us and we go beyond the right extent to impress him. Do you want to keep acting for the rest of your life?

It’s not going to work in the long term, so why put your relationship in deep waters pretending to be someone else at the beginning. The biggest investment you can do in your relationship from the beginning is to try to be yourself-the good, the bad or the downright ugly; it doesn’t matter. Although you might want to be careful about the ugly stuff at the beginning of your relationship, its okay to be frank too.

The truth is, when you are happy with yourself, you become naturally attractive. It is when you are going to attract a man who will want to be real with you.

Being generous and kind are additional qualities that make you instantly attractive. Also, these traits make you feel good about yourself that builds confidence.

You have to be open, kind and approachable for men. Smile and use your manners to woo the man of your dreams. When you are wrong or screwed up, don’t shy away from apologising. Keep your ego at bay and let him see that you are a kind person.

2. Confidence is shinier than gold 

If you follow my first advice, then you will automatically gain the confidence to be assertive to most men. Experts suggest that men go crazy for confident women as they claim their positivity.

Working upon your insecurities will get you there, until then FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT.

3. Respect, Love and Believe-In YOU 

Some of us don’t respect ourselves enough for the men out there to give us a second glance, but that’s not what we want.

Self-respect is another noted trait in women that men dig. Think about respecting and loving yourself to get all the attention of your man is a win-win. If he pays attention bingo, else you have nothing to lose yet a whole new confidence to gain.

Also, men love women who know what they want. That being said, don’t be stubborn or come out as pushy, just the right amount of self-belief to let the guy know where your preference or priorities lie or what you like is a very attractive quality.

When out on a date, if he wants to take you home after the first meet but you don’t want to go? Tell him outright with no mincing words.

He orders Italian for dinner, but you prefer Chinese? Just let him know to bring it to his notice.

Many women to please the sweet men in their lives don’t want to present their choices. You are not fast-tracking anything; instead, you are miscommunicating that you are not confident enough to present your choices.

Never be afraid to tell him what you want, it’s sexy, and it is mandatory.

4. Be attentive to yourself 

Looks do matter.

I know what I said at the beginning “You are going to get surprised to know that most of the qualities that keep men attracted to be a woman have nothing to do with appearance…” but that’s when you are giving his eyes a chance to at least look at you for a moment.

I am not suggesting to bury yourself in a ton of makeup to look like a poster girl but to put in little effort to improve your appearance. Dress nicely, maintain proper hygiene and be fit.

Tell me, don’t you want your dream guy to look fit at the very least if not six-pack abs? Don’t you want him to smell good?

You catch my drift.

Just take care of your body-exercise, eat healthy and groom properly.

You have to give him something to be valuable to his eyes.

5. Stop being mysterious 

We like that in a guy, but men get totally nuts when you can find a clue about what you are from inside. If you want a man to hook to you, make an effort to open up to him. Don’t spill all the beans, but give him a window into your inner self.

Don’t know how?

Just talk about the stuff that matters to you, what you are hustling for and want to achieve and let the conversation flow naturally.

Sharing your goals, dreams and aspirations, give him an idea of how inclined you both are when it comes to important things in life. Hopefully, the stuff that matters to you will matter to him as well, and that will pave the way for a prosperous relationship in which your man will be crazy for you.

The psychological tricks to play

Sometimes being a good girl doesn’t serve the purpose; you have to tip little into the darker side to become mentally appealing to a guy.

Well, I would be lying if I say that the tips, I have shared so far are enough to make a man obsessed for you. You have to work your way up to his mind.

How can you do that?

I am going to tell you.

6. Pick a trigger word 

Psychologists agree that men feel strongly for women who call them with a pet name. At the same time if you want to push your man over the edge, call him by his name.

So, you need to minimise the number of times you call him with cute pet names and make him come after you more swiftly and quickly by addressing him with his name.

According to body language experts hearing his name from your mouth will have an electrifying effect on him. Cosmopolitan agrees too as their experts suggest that when men hear their names, it triggers a sense of competition in them and you become the winning price.

7. Innocent-yet-not gestures 

Another mind trick that gets his bells and whistles ringing is to touch him and create that subconscious physical connection.

Even WikiHow suggests you touch him lightly to let him know that you are interested in him. It will also leave him longing for more physical contact.

But here you want to make him want you more you can go a little more experimental and bolder. For instance, when reaching out for keys in his pocket, you can reach a little deeper, causing an unexpected touch to get his juices flowing.

Such little gestures go a long way in keeping him truly hooked to you.

So, ladies keep your eye open for the moments that allow you to “accidentally” touch him and leave him hanging for more.

8. No small talks, just the real deal 

Believe it or not, men are not psychologically evolved to handle details of the everyday drama that you go through.

This is the reason why most men are such poor listeners who don’t care about the details of your life, particularly when it about the drama that has no importance.

But don’t think that’s the end of the conversation. It implies that you need to have meaningful stimulating conversations instead of sharing nasty workplace drama with him.

The best way to keep him interested is to give him a play-by-play view of your life. Cut the small talks and keep him interested with the bigger stuff you have to share.

As far as keeping talks interested in concern, you can also speak vividly about the physical encounters that you two share.

Men are the creatures who buy with their eyes first, which is why when you talk about sex, it puts you in his brain like a birthmark.

9. Investigate the Competition

Not an ethical trick, but this one drives power from the evolutionary flaw in men to see other potential men who can be your partner as competition.

Well, put lust to use and let him see other men checking you out. It definitely will make him crazy, and he will step up to the plate. He just cannot tolerate seeing other men interested in the girl which is why you need to be always ready.

Try to look your best at all times and don’t be afraid to lock eyes with men if you find some checking you over. If your man or the guy you are interested in catches sight of such an incident, he will instantly want you more.

Add your flirty smile to the mix, and you have men hot flashing over you.

10. Become a teaser

There is no mild way to put it.

Men are more driven by their manhood than their brain, which is why you can use physical intimacy to your advantage.

If you want to increase his desire for you, just delay satisfying him that will put him on a burning scale. Hot text messages, sexting, and teasing through pictures are extremely powerful weapons to keep him hooked to you.

Now, this advice must be followed with caution as you can’t use it with a guy you are not entirely familiar with. Be wise.

The Takeaway 

Making a man come after you for eternity and keeping him interested is easier said than done. It requires a multi-factorial approach. You have to play the game with your appearance, personality and not the least with your mind and actions.

What I have shared with you are practical tips to make a man want you, don’t let your emotions take over the logic.

Follow the tips by the word, and you will project yourself as confident and not someone desperate.

Enough reading, time to do some action!

We hope our tips will help you make a man want you in no time. 

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