Article Builder By Jonathan Leger

Article Builder is one of the most popular SEO tools that has been in use for over a decade now. Jonathan Leger created Article Builder to be a push-button solution for quality content generation. I got interested in this product because dozens of professionals recommended it and the internet is full of positive reviews. 

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To honestly review Article Builder, I bought its $297/year plan to get hands-on experience.

How Article Builder Works 

The first factor that I was curious about is to know how exactly this software works. In the past, I have used other article software but their content quality was abysmal. This is why I needed to know what powers Article Builder.

Article Builder is at the core a huge database of spun PLR articles on topics that you can think of. Healthcare, beauty, bodybuilding, automobiles, home, lifestyle, medicines and many more. The articles produced by this software are created based on the structure:

  1. Categorized Titles
  2. Introductory Paragraphs
  3. Tips
  4. Concluding paragraphs

When you click the “Build an Article” button, Article Builder generates new articles pulling the introductory, tips and conclusion paragraphs from the PLR articles that it has in its database. All the paragraphs are pulled from the articles of the same category.

Now as the software spun every sentence and paragraph so in theory, you can expect your articles to be unique, and Leger claims that Article Builder produces articles with 75% uniqueness.

How is the quality of the articles generated? 

About the quality of content, each text snippet in the Article Builder database has been written and edited by humans. However, each article pulls content from dozens of spun text snippets so do not expect your content to have any sort of proper context. The article generated is essentially paragraphs mixed.  

We do not recommend you to use Article Builder for quality articles if you want to use on your blog. Your readers will quickly realize the content with out of context tips and paragraphs put together.

If you really want to make use of articles generated by this software then you can use them for link building.

Another major application of Article Builder can be for auto blogging. I have come across some marketers who are using the auto-post feature of Article Builder to run a network of niche-specific blogs.

It seems like a nice idea to scrape and mix content to generate articles that you can easily automatically post on WordPress blogs. You have the ability to configure Article Builder to choose the topics of articles, the average number of words and how often the articles are published. You can choose up to 3 articles a day to get published or as little as once a month. There is also the option to pull relevant images and videos for the post or include top-selling ClickBank products.

This tempts many bloggers to create what they called the ‘money-making auto-blogs’ and retire. But, does this trick actually work?

Keep in mind that there are hundreds of bloggers out there who are following the same strategy using the same software and tapping content from the same Article Builder Database. This implies that essentially articles on all these hundreds of blogs have content generated from the same text pool, more or less.

This makes one wonder: 

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How unique are the articles generated by Article Builder? 

In his sales videos, Jonathan Leger claims that Article Builder can produce up to 75% or more unique content in an article. To support his claim, he explains how he found only two copies of the article he used to test on Copyscape premium search.

This was the case when Article Builder was not available for the public, but now with hundreds of marketers using the software, it is imperative that the content in the newly generated article will have matching snippets from other sources too.

Now it is not to say that you will find exact duplicates of the content all over the internet but there is a high probability that 3-15% of the content in your article will match the other articles generated by the Article Builder. While it is hard to contest that you will get entirely unique articles from any spinning software, but I was impressed that Article Builder was able to produce content that can be used for auto-blogging and link building.

Recommended use for Article Builder 

With Google tightening the noose over spamming and automated content, it is not recommended to use any automated software for article generation for your blogs or business websites. Instead of being lazy, you need to focus on creating quality content for your readers.

Does it mean Article Builder is a waste of money?


Articles generated by this software are indexed by Google. This implies, that they have a value attached to them which you can harness for SEO gains. For instance, link building via article syndication services such as SYNND, Unique Article Wizard and Article Samurai, can use the content produced by this software as the quality requirements are minimal.

I know marketers who use Article Builder to create a super spun variation of the same article and syndicate it to 100s of services thus generating thousands of backlinks for their websites without doing too much effort. This way all those articles get indexed in Google giving you boosted rankings. This is why for SEO link building Article Builder can be a huge time-saver.

You can download a super spun article for any category you want. From tech to lifestyle to medication, there is an endless list of categories to choose from.

Conclusion: If you are looking for software to rank your websites in Search Engines, then don’t even bother to try. Google is smarter than ever before at picking the subtle clues of automated content. However, if you intend to generate content for SEO and link building then you can count on Article Builder to lend a helping hand. Using this software, you can produce content for link building and article syndication a lot faster as compared to writing content from scratch. 

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Thanks for reading 

P.S: I might receive compensation from product owners if you click any link on this website and buy a product.

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