Eat Stop Eat is a comprehensive weight loss program designed by Brad Pilon, a very famous weight trainer, and nutritionist. It’s a two-week plan that includes a particular time span of fasting as well as rigorous weight loss training. This program promotes weight loss through intermittent fasting and healthy eating combination. We were highly curious to know how the combination of fasting and weight lifting programs together increases the pace of losing weight. We have also analyzed the benefits of fasting, weight loss and, the specifics about the Eat Stop Eat program. So, this review article tells you the crucial summary of our findings-
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What is Eat Stop Eat:
If you are looking forward to finding the most legitimate guide to intermittent fasting, Eat Stop Eat is the best product for you. This program allows you to go for a fasting stage for a specific duration of time-usually for 24 hours, and then break your fasting and eat for another few days before going back to the fasting stage once again.
Fasting can be done once or twice a week. Always remember one thing that this program doesn’t restrict you on what to eat, rather it restricts you on when to eat. The best part of this fasting routine is that it allows you to lose weight quickly without putting much effort and improves the overall health in a significant manner.
According to Brad Pilon, the creator of Eat Stop Eat, the theory of intermittent fasting promotes weight loss with the optimum retention of muscles.
Brad claims that this program works more efficiently than most weight loss programs that cut off some of the major elements from your regular diet or curve down on your overall calories to lose weight. Since the entire program focuses on the time of your eating instead of what you are eating, it can easier for you to stick to the program over a longer span of time.
Know What Eat Stop Eat Claims:
According to the creator, this program is not at all about what you cut down from your regular dietary habit, rather it’s all about how and when you eat. It’s true that when it comes to losing weight, there are many supplements and dietary programs that demonstrate success, however, the entire procedure and the length of time that your body takes to adjust itself to the weight loss program may be long and tedious.
With the smart plan of Eat Stop Eat program, you will not only end up losing weight but at the same time, you will be able to sustain the muscle mass in the simplest way possible.
When you follow this program, you won’t need any additional supplements or specialized diet along with it. All you need to follow is a disciplined routine because you just don’t need everything in order to lose weight. In order to help you get the best guidance, Brad offers this comprehensive program called Eat Stop Eat. One can avail this program online and it is also available in the ebook format at Amazon.
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How To Use Eat Stop Eat?
The entire pattern of intermittent diet doesn’t involve consuming any additional ingredients.
This diet program mentioned in this program involves following a smart fasting routine for 24 hours once or twice a week. In between the fasting period, you can eat all your favorite foods as long as you follow a healthy diet.
When you are going through the fasting period, make sure you are avoiding the foods and drinks that contain a high amount of calories.
When it comes to following the feeding period, you should restrict yourself from eating foods based on how hungry or how full you are.
This program also comes with an easy to follow a workout routine that you can follow on a regular basis.
There are different ways to follow intermittent fasting methods, but how and when they fast and feed are the things that make all the differences. Now you might be wondering to about the most effective methods of intermittent fasting approaches, right?
The fasting period offers the best result when carried out once or twice a week for 24 hours, on non-consecutive days. When following this Eat Stop Eat program, make sure you are staying away from resistance training to gain muscle mass, especially during the fasting period. You must reduce the overall intake of calories, specifically when your main objective is losing a significant amount of weight.
How Does Eat Stop Eat Work?
It works in a simple and very straightforward way of losing fat. When you are fasting, your body is empty. It’s obvious that you are eating nothing during the fasting period. Your body does need energy, even though when you are not exercising. So your body uses the fat reserves to generate energy for performing the regular activities. The reason why you should follow the time span of 24 hours for fasting is that your body won’t get enough time to start pulling energy from your muscle mass. You simply don’t want to lose your muscle mass. This is the exact reason that fasting only lasts for 24 hours. So, naturally, this program allows you to lose weight without doing any major activities.
The Possible Cons Of Eat Stop Eat:
This may not be the right weight loss program for people with high levels of blood sugar, pregnant women and people with eating issues.
There are people who cannot stay without food for 24 hours.
Overall Verdict: In this present time, people hardly have time to attend the gym or follow a strict weight loss routine. If you are looking for a proven and high effective way of losing weight without investing many efforts, Eat Stop Eat could be the excellent weight loss program for you. Last but not least, Last but not the least, all you need to be disciplined, especially when you are expecting to lose a good amount of weight by following this particular program called Eat Stop Eat.
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