How To Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is something that nobody wants to increase as it makes your clothes get tighter. This type of fat called as the visceral fat is a big risk for type 2 diabetes, heart condition and other health issues. Losing fat from the belly can be really tough but there are some things that can help you to reduce excess belly fat. So, let’s get started. 

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Firstly, what is belly fat? Well, there are different types- Subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and intramuscular fat. 

Subcutaneous fat is looser than others and lets you pinch the inch and can get accumulated under the skin. On the other hand, intramuscular fat is the one that is found within skeletal muscles. Lastly, visceral fat is there between your abdominal areas (stomach, kidney, liver etc) and is also called as belly fat or intra abdominal fat. 

What Causes Belly Fat? 

Eating too much and doing nothing is the main foundation on which your flab is developed. There is more to belly fat equation than calories in and out. Some stressors see scaling the belt notches with fewer efforts. So here are a few things you should consider:

Trans fat- if you say that antioxidants are good for gut health, trans fats are the villains. These fats contribute to the fluffy waist you have, not by adding new fat but moving fat from some other area to the belly. 

Stress- When the cortisol levels are high, it shoots the insulin production, and this is when things get bad.You need to ensure that you don’t stress out otherwise even if you don’t eat much, you will keep building up flab around your waist. Be relaxed and stay positive.

Alcohol- Yes, your regular routine of having too many pints of beer can give you that beer belly for sure. As you gulp down the beer, your body turns alcohol into acetate. It then becomes your main source of energy and carbs, fats and proteins in the digestive system are thus converted to fat. 

How to lose belly fat? Know the tricks 

Start simple

There are indeed a lot of things that you have to improve to lose that wiggly belly fat. Start by focusing on altering one thing at a time. Once done, you can move on the other thing and so on. This way, you will be able to lose belly fat fast and that too without the risk of having it back again. 

Start your day with high protein 

Start the day with Greek yogurt, scrambled egg whites, porridge or protein smoothies. After these proteins, you will feel fuller till your lunch time without feeling any hunger pangs. This is so because protein increases the metabolic rate while at the same time retaining muscle mass. You can even add proteins like fish, eggs, dairy, beans or chicken in other meals of the day. 

Improve your metabolism 

Your main goal is to hike up the metabolism and intensity of workout you do.            Also, you need to change your diet, manage stress and take quality sleep. All of these play a very important role in improving your metabolism. 

A faster metabolism burn fat quickly. While the metabolism is predetermined by body size, age and sex, increasing the lean body mass, avoiding hunger pangs and intense physical activity can help in burning fat. 

 Try curbing carbs instead of fats

When researchers compared effects on heart through low carbs diet versus low fat diet for a period of 6 months, each having same amount of calories, the ones on low carb diet lost around ten pounds more than the ones on low fat diet. The additional benefit of low carb diet is that it gave higher quality weight loss. And with weight loss, fat gets reduced too but there is often the loss of muscle tissue too which is not a good sign. On both the diets, there was loss of around two to three pounds good lean tissue and fat, meaning that the fat loss percentage was higher on low carb diet. 

Walk at least 10,000 steps per day 

In a study where men decreased their regular steps from 10,000 to less than 2000, the visceral belly fat then increased by seven percent in 2 weeks. Try walking everywhere you can and within a reasonable distance. You can walk to market, school, work or grocery store. Also take stairs rather than using the elevators and walk in place of drive. Get yourself a pedometer and increase the number of steps you take on a daily basis. Further, stand and walk for about 30 steps in every 30 minutes. In case of a sedentary job lifestyle, get a treadmill desk or a stand up desk. 

Consume a lot of water 

Studies and researches show that drinking water consistently throughout can result in an active metabolism, irrespective of whether you diet or not. Consuming more water even helps the body to flush out the waste toxins and thus improves overall wellbeing and health. You should aim to consume 8 oz glass water 8 times each day or a total of 64 ounces. 

Know how to understand when you are hydrated. You will see that you are drinking sufficient water when the urine is light yellow or clear in color. In case you see darker urine, drink more water. 

Carry a bottle with you at all places so that you can drink whenever you want. Reduce your consumption of sugary drinks, alcohol as well as carbonated beverages to a great extent. These may include beer, whiskey, fruit juices, fruit punch, tea, sodas and colas. 

Go do some cardio 

Doing aerobic exercises is great as they get your heart pumping, enable fat loss and burn extra calories including fat loss from the belly. You cannot literally spot burn belly fat but generally it is the first that gets burned off when you exercise on a regular basis. 

Further go ahead and track your progress and time your miles. As cardio improves your stamina, you will see that the time to run or walk will go down considerably. Correct the shin splints too. In case of painful shin splints, there may be a reason that you are over pronating. There are special shoes for alleviating this problem. Another thing to keep in mind is to not overdo cardio. Start with any 3 cardio workouts per week and alternate cardio with light exercises such as walk or yoga. Pushing yourself too much doesn’t allow the body to have enough time to recover or to build up muscles and this may lead to injuries. 

Increase your protein intake 

Protein can be a great way to lose belly fat as it makes you feel full than fat and carbs. So when you incorporate a lean source of protein in your diet like skinless chicken, you will feel that you are not as hungry. Further, ensure that you include proteins with every meal. Good source of protein include tuna, salmon, red lentils, brown bread, soya, nuts, chicken breast, mackerel, eggs, chickpeas and milk. Also remember the fact that a part of protein is about as big as the size of your palm. So go for the food items that are rich in proteins but low in fat content because some proteins can have high levels of saturated fat. 

Alternatively, there are many protein products in the market like powders and supplements but when you choose to use these, ensure that you have a nutritionist or dietician supervise your diet. 

Get quality sleep 

A study by University of Chicago reported that clocking up 6 to 7 hours of sleep can actually supercharge your body and send hunger boosting hormone high- the best combination for fast weight gain. 

So when you don’t get enough quality sleep, the activity in the frontal lobe of the brain gets impaired. And at the same time, the primal parts of the brain which deal with motivation and desire get lit up. Inadequate sleep even wreaks havoc on the overall metabolism and immunity. When your body doesn’t get sufficient rest, it then conserves energy through slowing down the basic functions. Thus the combination of willpower, untamable hunger pangs and inefficient processing leads to open door for fat storage. 

Replace your cooking fats with coconut oil 

Coconut oil is considered to be one of the healthiest oils you can have. Studies reveal that medium chain fats present in coconut oil boost the metabolism and reduce fat stored in response to high calorie consumption. Controlled studies also suggest that it may result in abdominal fat loss. In one of the studies, obese men that ate coconut oil daily for twelve weeks lost about 1.1 inches from the waist without changing their diet or exercise regime. So, to lose belly fat, it is good to take 2 tablespoons coconut oil every day. Also, coconut oil is high in calories and so rather than adding extra fat in your diet, replace some fats that you are already taking with coconut oil. 

Avoid foods with trans fats 

Trans fats are made by pumping hydrogen in unsaturated fats like soybean oil. They are there in some spreads and margarines too and are added to the packaged foods. Such fats have also been linked to heart disease, inflammation, abdominal fat gain and insulin resistance. A study found monkeys that ate high trans fat diet gained 33 percent more fat on the abdomen than those who ate diet high in monounsaturated fat. In order to reduce belly bat, it is important to read the ingredients carefully and not take products which have trans fats. These are listed as partial hydrogenated fats. 

Reduce stress level 

Stress can result in belly fat gain as it triggers the adrenal gland into producing cortisol, the stress hormone. Studies show that high level of cortisol increases the appetite and also drives abdominal fat accumulation. Women with large waist size further tend to produce more levels of cortisol when they are stressed out. And thus, increased cortisol adds to fat gain around the abdomen. To reduce belly fat, it is important to engage yourself in activities that relieve your stress. Meditation or yoga can be really effective methods. 

Resistance training and weight training

Resistance training, also called strength training or weight lifting is crucial for gaining and preserving the muscle mass. According to studies on people with Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, fatty liver disease, this type of exercise can also be useful for belly fat loss. Indeed, a study on overweight teenagers also showed that a mix of aerobic exercises and strength training can lead to greatest reduction in visceral fat. So if you decide to lift weights, it’s a nice idea to get professional advice from certified personal trainer. 

Keep a track 

What you eat is crucial but how much you eat is important too. Most people are not aware of what they are eating. So if you really want to optimize your diet, you have to track things for a while. But that doesn’t mean you have to weight and measure all the things that you eat for the rest of your life, doing it every now and then for some days can help you to know where exactly do you need to make changes. Thus, if you wish to boost your protein consumption to 25 or 30 percent of calories, just eating more of protein rich diet won’t be sufficient. You have to measure and balance in order to reach the goal. 

Summing it up 

Just a few changes in your lifestyle can actually make a big difference and help you lose your waist inches. Reduce your portion size, cut out on those sweet cravings, reduce alcohol consumption, meet guidelines for exercise, increase your consumption of fruits and veggies and you will soon reduce fat from your belly. Also, strength training exercise is recommended to be done twice a week at least. Further, you need to remember that there is no magic solution to losing fat around the belly. Weight loss has always required some efforts, perseverance and lots of commitment. Successfully adopting some strategies and lifestyle habits discussed above will certainly help you to lose belly fat and make you healthy.

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